Adding Lexicon dictionary
(too old to reply)
2008-12-31 16:47:06 UTC
I am currently expanding a medical management program to use electronic
medical records (EMR). This upgrade will include speech recognition. I need
to know how to improve its recognition success by using a table containing
most commonly used medical jargons. Any comment is appreciated.
Marty Markoe - eMicrophones, Inc.
2009-01-01 13:21:01 UTC
Post by benedictum
I am currently expanding a medical management program to use electronic
medical records (EMR). This upgrade will include speech recognition. I need
to know how to improve its recognition success by using a table containing
most commonly used medical jargons. Any comment is appreciated.
1. See:
There are currently 4 add-on medical vocabularies available (Emergency
Medicine / Urgent Care, General Surgery, Family Practice and Internal
Medicine). Vocabularies for other specialties should be released in the
fourth quarter.

2. See:
This forum is relatively new. However, it is dedicated to medical
practitioners using Windows Speech Recognition.

3. See:
Here you will find several tools for enhancing Windows Speech Recognition.
The WSRToolkit allows you to easily create macros, add lists of words or even
add documents to improve the context probabilities.

Marty Markoe, eMicrophones, Inc.
2009-01-03 01:36:56 UTC
The vocabularies are reasonably priced which brings my hopes high. Would
sapi 5.1 be compatible with the vocabularies? Any recommendation as to
microphones (bluetooth preferred)?

"Marty Markoe - eMicrophones, Inc."
Post by Marty Markoe - eMicrophones, Inc.
Post by benedictum
I am currently expanding a medical management program to use electronic
medical records (EMR). This upgrade will include speech recognition. I need
to know how to improve its recognition success by using a table containing
most commonly used medical jargons. Any comment is appreciated.
There are currently 4 add-on medical vocabularies available (Emergency
Medicine / Urgent Care, General Surgery, Family Practice and Internal
Medicine). Vocabularies for other specialties should be released in the
fourth quarter.
This forum is relatively new. However, it is dedicated to medical
practitioners using Windows Speech Recognition.
Here you will find several tools for enhancing Windows Speech Recognition.
The WSRToolkit allows you to easily create macros, add lists of words or even
add documents to improve the context probabilities.
Marty Markoe, eMicrophones, Inc.
Marty Markoe - eMicrophones, Inc.
2009-01-04 03:39:01 UTC
The medical vocabularies are designed to be used with WSR built into the
Vista operating system. Therefore I doubt they are compatible with SAPI 5.1
if you are thinking of developing your own application.

Basically, you can forget about Bluetooth as no Bluetooth microphones work
with WSR. This is because Windows® Speech Recognition samples audio at 16
kHz. Bluetooth samples at 4 kHz. We've tried many Bluetooth microphones and
none work.

Check out our website at:
The microphones on this website have all been tested with WSR and are
compatible. When searching for a microphone, you need to ask yourself what
style of microphone will meet my work style and feel ergonomically correct.
Here is a link to a FAQ on how to choose a microphone. Although the response
is more than 6 years old, the principles remain the same.
For some reason it took a minute or so to open the link, but it did open.

Marty Markoe - eMicrophones, Inc.
